… With the world as it is, we need more patience, understanding, and especially acceptance—or at the minimum, toleration—of others. It is time for us to stop just talking about peace or love and actually live them.
… Perhaps within the next five hundred years, race will not even matter as a possible means of identification. Perhaps most of the population of the globe will be intermingled to the point of just slight variations of one mixed race.
… We cannot allow the sins of the present to become sins, justifications, or actions of the future.
… We cannot allow mistakes of the past to be forgotten, lest they be doomed to be repeated. We must use mistakes of the past as inspiration to do better, not as justification to continue actions. …
… We cannot afford to forget that with our current abilities, imprinting onto the children the comprehension that others are equal to themselves is no longer a matter of humanity, it is a matter of human survival.
… For continued survival, growth is an inevitability, but it must be stable. A society must be stable enough not to destroy itself, but flexible enough to evolve and grow in order to be able to survive. …
… We are all globally accountable for mutual survival. We cannot afford to allow ourselves or anyone else to lose individual government, independence, free will, and self-determination. We must still preserve our individuality, freedom, and separate identities, and live out our lives accordingly.
… Perhaps our ancient ancestors would have viewed our world as violent due to our ability and predilection to create atrocities, war, and death on a massive scale that is impersonal and easily done. We can commit such acts with feelings of dissociation,
… We merely have to push a button, and never look into the eyes of the victims as we figuratively push the blade in. …
It is time to start practicing some general compassion.
… As long as it does not go against our morals or bring harm, a little bit of inconvenience or voluntary discomfort on our part is no comparison to the aura of joy that can be felt in the smiles of others.
… We must not forget that the simple pleasures are what can keep people going in their daily lives.
… The living of life is important to our well-being and releases stress that could prevent us from fully utilizing our capabilities. So, when you feel that life sucks, suck the life out of life.
… Often it is those people who may not have had as much happiness in their life who deserve or need it the most.
… A little bit of voluntary discomfort or inconvenience on our part is no comparison to the aura of joy that can be felt from others.
… Love is like a flood—like a river, one drop at a time, love adds up until a flood is all that is ahead. …