… I feel that something is happening worldwide. I believe that we now stand at the “threshold” of current society and maybe even the future of our species.
… Some changes are occurring that are beyond the ability and daring of our modern world to even report. No matter where our politics, beliefs, or tendencies lean, we must admit that there are strange movements and occurrences happening now. …
… Like the parable of the experiment of a frog in boiling water.
… Are we that frog, the pan our world, and the increasing temperature of water our current situations? …
… We now stand at a very important crossroads in human history. … We have a human desire to seek out solutions or to find stability from those who can promise them. Too often, many of these extremists, radicals, or opportunists will come in the form of tyrants. Many can be under the influence of these tyrants who promise them what they want to hear. However, they only deliver tyranny in the form of advancement for themselves and their cohorts. …
… The disenfranchised can be a valuable base of recruitment for the radical or extremist.
… To prevent this, it is best to supply the disenfranchised with a reason not to grasp for the radical or extreme message or messenger. …
… As long as we listen to others who are more concerned about overstuffing their bellies and billfolds today than about the survival needs of tomorrow, tomorrow is in jeopardy. When we focus on short-term gains rather than the long-term consequences, we become vulnerable to those consequences. …
… When there is imbalance, some may be naturally drawn to the extremes. In the search for balance some may be drawn to an extreme in the hope of combating what they feel may be a different extreme.
… Extremism can give birth to opposing extremism where it may have never existed. …
… In anything, when there is imbalance, instability will naturally occur. Imbalance given enough time will naturally lead to instability if there is not rebalance beforehand. The natural conclusion of continuous instability is a fall or collapse. Falls are inevitable when instability is unresolved, especially beyond the tipping point. In other words: without balance a fall or collapse will become inevitable. …
… The extremist or radical does not realize that they are a slave to cycles. Do not be a slave! …
… But in this it is important to remember that as with all cycles, balance will at some point eventually come. However, the balance may not be something that we expect or even can predict. So, logically, would it not make more sense for us to create an equation of balance that is the most favorable to us? Would it not be better to initiate our own balance before balance finds itself on its own? Of course, who said that humanity is logical? …